I have always been obsessed with acts of celebration. Whether this be grand altars, ridden with iconography, built to honour, ceremonies to give thanks, or parties, one of the oldest forms of humans uniting. All of my work reflects the joy and celebration I’ve held dear and wanted to see in this world.
My work luxuriates in the minutiae of human life. All of its intricacies and uniqueness, and celebrates it all. I like to look at where we place our worship in this society, now we no longer congregate weekly to believe in a unifying God together. What and who is that we hold dear? What is holy? What are the things that define us, now we no longer have faith in an overarching religion that characterizes us as good or bad?
I use painting, digital collage, sculptures, and lights to explore our relationship to celebration, the holy, worship and spirituality, and our societies fascination with celebrity. The icons I make pose everyone’s lives as important, glamorous, and iconic – stories to be celebrated.
Carson Parkin-Fairley is a multidisciplinary artist who explores worship, celebration, joy and storytelling through her practice. Her work is inspired by religious iconography, shrines, popular culture and our societies obsession with fame.
Carson has created installations, murals, artworks and commissions which have travelled around the globe. She studied Art Foundation at Camberwell, and worked in various industries before re-finding her true essence in art. She was raised by artists, Mother, Sophie Parkin and Grandmother, Molly Parkin. She is passionate about the connectivity that the arts can bring and hopes to share this creativity with others who may not have been exposed to it.